iOS Developer — preparing for a recruitment process, part 3: technical interview

The 3rd article from my “iOS Developer – preparing for a recruitment process” series is live 🚀 You can read it here: Please feel free to reach out to me and share your thoughts, feedback 🙂 Thanks! reactivation

As you may know I have a DM Table Tennis app. A few months ago an idea of excluding a Tournament sheets part of the app to a website came to my mind. So I purchased a domain and built a simple website offering the tournament sheets (in PDF files) to download for free.

There were the following sheets available:

  • 8 players – single elimination,
  • 8 players – double elimination,
  • 16 players – single elimination,
  • 16 players – double elimination,
  • 32 players – single elimination,
  • 32 players – double elimination,
  • 64 players – single elimination,
  • 64 players – double elimination,
  • 128 players – single elimination,
  • 128 players – double elimination,
  • 3 players – round-robin,
  • 4 players – round-robin,
  • 5 players – round-robin,
  • 6 players – round-robin.

Everything was fine, was up and running for some time but I analysed my spendings and I wanted to optimise them. One of the actions that I decided to take was to decrease a number of web domains that I own. I thought that the best approach will be to keep my landing pages and web products under my main domain.

My first step to slowly kill Tournament sheets project was moving it to and not to renew the domain anymore. The next planned step was to remove entirely.

I didn’t do that though. Why? I kept seeing there is still some traffic coming to that website, even without me advertising or tweeting about it so I decided to give it the second chance.

Second life for

So I’m moving back to I’m going to re-organise the website and the project’s business model. I will be offering tournament sheets on Gumroad for a small fee. I will re-build the website in the upcoming weeks and I should be able to start selling the sheets in the second half of May 2021.

iOS Developer — preparing for a recruitment process, part 2: technical screening

I published the 2nd article from “iOS Developer — preparing for a recruitment process” series on Medium tonight. Please check it out here and let me know what you think 🙏 😄 Thanks and have a great upcoming week 🙂

iOS Developer – preparing for a recruitment process, part 1: CV

I decided to write a short series of articles about preparing for a recruitment process as an iOS Developer. The first article is available on Medium already: Check it out and let me know what you think! 🙂 The second part is coming soon 👀👀

Visit all the permanently inhabited continents in Postcardful

Version 1.5 of Postcardful is live in the App Store 🥳 I promised in one of my recent tweets ( to publish it on Saturday, the 13th March, exactly 1 year after we started working from home because of the coronavirus but since I’m an impatient person and Apple approved the update quite quickly, I decided to click the Release button earlier 😀

What’s new in version 1.5? 

  • 🌍 you can travel through all the permanently inhabited continents now! A background of your journey changes respectively to a continent which you are visiting at a given time,
  • ✈️ speed of the planes changes as you progress to the next continents, the more you travel the more difficult is to avoid them!

You say all the permanently inhabited continents but in what order?

The order was set based on a number of the countries in every continent, starting with a continent with the lowest number of countries so you will visit all the continents in the following order:

  • South America,
  • Australia and Oceania,
  • North America,
  • Europe,
  • Asia,
  • Africa.

My website is nicer now :)

I try to keep updating my personal apps and games every now and then and this time I made my website a bit nicer, more interactive and more modern 🙂

I improved 4 things:

1. Nicer top menu

Previously, the top menu didn’t look like an important part of the page. The contrast between the colours wasn’t right.

After a change, you can clearly see a hierarchy of the website, that a top menu is something important and worth attention.

2. Refreshed About me section.

This section used to have a sad, dark background image (taken from some non-royalty free website so I had to put a copyrights info in a footer) and a text in a small box centered horizontally.

I got rid of that dark background, text takes more space horizontally now so you don’t need to scroll that much to see the rest of the website. I also added an interactive Twitter feed, you can quickly check what I post there 🙂

3. Completely re-designed Personal apps section.


This section used to have a static, small image links to the App Store or to the landing pages of my apps.

I changed it to a fully interactive, modern, horizontal slider with the nice and big images presenting my apps and games. Also I’m not including there the apps owned by the companies that I worked for, it’s only my stuff, only apps that I fully own.

4. Google Analytics events

This is a purely technical change but worth mentioning as well in my opinion. So I have a Google Analytics tracking since I published my website in 2015 but I was not measuring clicks on the buttons. It’s been added now, including social media images and Personal apps slider so I can analyse what works for you, what doesn’t and try to improve it in the future.

New year, new Quick10 🥳

I prepared a small (or maybe not so small) New Year present for you! Thanks to my friend’s (she’s a product designer) work, Quick10 game has been completely re-designed. It looks much nicer now and I’m sure you are going to enjoy it even more. I also added 2 extra leaderboards (so there are 3 in total now), separate ones for Easy and Difficult levels. Happy New Year 🙂

Download the latest update:

More info about Quick10:

iOS version of Forehand is live!

update 3rd January 2021 – I updated a landing page URL because the app has been renamed

After a few months of development I’ve published my new app called Forehand. It’s an app for table tennis players and enthusiasts. It gives you an access to:

– daily news from table tennis world,
– videos showing how to improve skills – you can submit your links as well!
– tips what bats to choose,
– tournament sheets to help you with organising the tournaments.

There is a social aspect of the app as well. You can comment and interact with other users’ videos, you can personalise your profile.

You can download it from the App Store:

I’m planning to release an Android version by the end of this year as well.

More info about Forehand can be found here: